95bFM: The Tuesday Wire with Noelle McCarthy
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12.00 News with Rebecca. Weather and surf.
12.15 Fran O Sullivan.
Business Editor at
The Herald.
A free trade agreement between New Zealand,
Singapore, Chile and Brunei was signed yesterday. Chile and
Brunei are joining the FTA with Singapore, and the Minister
for Trade says there is room for other interested countries
if they want to join the party. The deal is being described
as "small but strategic" Fran O Sullivan explains why.
12.30 Trevor Mallard (TBC)
The government has
announced a tertiary education shake-up worth $160
Cash for low-quality polytechnic courses will be
slashed as part of the education overhaul.
Question is,
what were they doing there in the first place?
Minister for Education will, hopefully, answer that question
this afternoon.
1.00 The Green Desk.
The Green MP is still flying the flag for
cannibas liberalization laws, God bless him.
He'll talk
about the latest bill he's presenting to parliament.
Mag Review with Imogen Neale.
Imo is back from the Orient
with Horse and Pony and some street 'zines.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm