April "Wake-Up Call" a Brethren Campaign
April "Wake-Up Call" a Brethren Campaign
In mid-April 2005, an A4 glossy pamphlet titled "A Wake-Up Call for New Zealanders" was widely distributed, following up two half-page advertisements in major newspapers. Images of the pamphlet are below.
An NZPA story has confirmed that, despite their conscientious objector status and non-voting principles, this campaign originated with the Exclusive Brethren.
The pamphlets and advertisements advocated building up our military, closer relations with US, and a repeal of nuclear ships ban.
These policies had been advocated by the National Party prior to the beginning of the election campaign.
In early 2004, prior to the "Wake Up" campaign, National MP Lockwood Smith is reported to have suggested to a US congressional delegation that US think tank might want to run a public campaign in New Zealand on our relationship with the US and the nuclear issue. A delegate responded that this was an internal issue and should be left to a New Zealand think tank. (See http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0508/S00031.htm)
The Exclusive Brethren have supported the campaigns of George W Bush in the United States and John Howard in Australia.
Authorised by A. Smith, PO Box 99470,
Newmarket 1031, Auckland
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