95bFM: The Tuesday Wire with Noelle Mc Carthy
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12.15 John Key.
National Party
Finance Spokesman
Nats petrol tax cut policy-a cynical
election bribe or a commitment to fair taxation ??
what’s the point of insulating NZ’ers against the reality of
Peak Oil?
What about a free vespa instead?
12.30 Bob
National Candidate for Tauranga
All the
lurid revelations about left testicles and the IRD can’t
disguise the fact that he’s got Winston on the ropes in
12.45 Thomas Forde.
Political hopeful and
Auckland Independent candidate and that happiest
of beings, Irish publican Thomas Forde joins us in studio to
talk about his platform and why Tizard got her knickers in a
twist on Sunday.
1.00 Jonathan Milne.
Herald On sunday
Our regular Political Editor on the dizzying highs and
sickening lows of the whirlwind that is Election 05
The Arts Hole.
Pocky’s in New York. Lets call
1.30 The Green Desk.
Green Dean welcomes his
favourite pin-up Jeanette Fitzsimons onto the show.
The Mag Review
Anything but elections please
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm