95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Noelle McCarthy
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With Fill-In Host Noelle McCarthy
12.15 Holly Walker
Critic Magazine.
Holly is on the front page of the Herald
today, courtesy of a piece in Critic Magazine which she
edits. The Piece is called “Diary of a Drug Rapist” and it’s
got Rape Crisis up in arms. The police say it constitutes
Date Rape 101. Holly sez she was offended too, but the piece
was too important not to publish. She joins us on the Wire
at 12.15
12.30 Martyn “Bomber” Bradbury.
knows a fair bit about drink spiking since an episode of his
“Stakeout” tv series dealt with the issue. As a former
editor of Craccum magazine he’s also been in the thick of
student media. He’s on the Wire to talk about the Critic
1.00 Matt Nippert. The Listener.
haven’t spoken to Listener hack Matt since he flew the coop
to Colombia University. He joins us with an insight into the
media agenda in the USA.
1.30 Alastair Thompson
With his regular feature “In the
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm