The bFM Tuesday WIRE Today: 12 - 2pm
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12.15 Fran O Sullivan.
Winston as Minister of Foreign Affairs? Well lordy lordy, who knows what Helen has invited into her abode, and what will happen next, but I have a feeling it won't be boring. Herald Business editor Fran O Sullivan had a relatively upbeat take on the situation today.
12.45 Rod Donald. Co-leader The Green Party. (TBC)
They are known for being touchy feely, right on and generally quite nice and they didn't disappoint last night. The Green Party kept its composure in the wake of Helen's jilting in favour of the questionable charms of the Centre Boys, but surely you're spewing Rod?
12.30 Neville Finlay. Half of Zambesi.
A busy week for the label. Not only did Zambesi unveil its new designs for Air NZ uniforms last weekend, they are putting the finshing touches on their Fashion Week Show which hits the catwalk tonight.
1.00 The Arts Hole. Pocky went to the Elam Ball a few weeks ago and is only now ready to unveil the heart of darkness she discovered amid the electroclash mix tapes and teal lycra.
1.15 Kris Berger.
Policy analyst for Womens Health Action (and part-time mag reviewer) discussing some of the issues raised by a NZ GP's refusal to prescribe contraception for his female patients.
1.30 The Green Desk with Green Dean.
1.45 The Magazine Review with Imo.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm