95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with José Barbosa
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with José Barbosa
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12:10 AUSA Report with Dan the Man
12:30 Kate Dickie of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective
The High Court ruled that Auckland City Council bylaw governing brothels was invalid. The bylaw restricted the placement of brothels in residential areas. We'll have Kate Dickie of the NZ Prostitutes Collective in to talk about the decision and what it means.
12:50 Jasmine Grey, Auckland Animal Action.
Animal Rights group Auckland Animal Action is campaigning to keep Auckland fashion shops free from fur. They've hit trouble with the owners ofDressing Dolls in Kingsland who say they've been living in fear from the protesters. Jasmine Grey will be on the line to talk about the campaign and the shop in question.
1:15 David Slack, political commentator and blogger.
David Parker has dropped all his portfolios in reaction to the Investigate magazine article which revealed that incorrectly filled in his tax returns o avoid being audited. David Slack is on the show to discuss the repercussions for Labour.