95bFM: The Wednesday Wire hosted by José Barbosa
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with José Barbosa
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12:00 News with Rory, weather and surf.
12:20 Pamela Barton
Pamela is the co-ordinator of a new report called Preparing A Future With Asia. The report says New Zealand is seriously lacking in its knowledge of the Asian region.
12:40 Brendan Malone
Brendan of Catholic group Family Life International is on the Wire to discuss Metiria Turei's proposed bill which would see gay couples lawfully able to adopt children. Family Life however sez homosexual couples are unsuitable to raise children.
1:10 Jill Tarter
Jill Tarter is the director of the Seti Insitute. She's in the country for the Dunedin International Science Festival and she'll about the work of Seti and just how realistic Contact really was.
1:40 The Rebel Alliance
This Auckland theatre company is putting on a new show called A Night of French Mayhem. It's two one act plays by 17th century French playwright Moilére and José talks to two actors involved in the show