The Monday Wire w Rebecca Wright
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12.20 Ian Wishart Investigate Magazine - Not only has the political scene gone nuclear with the outing of Don Brash's alleged affair with Diane Foreman last week, now it seems that journalism has gone nuclear as well. Over the weekend it came out that Investigate magazine was running a piece about the prime ministers husbands sexuality. Ian Wishart is the editor of that magazine and he will be on the wire at 12.20.
12.40 Jim Tully – Head of Political Science and Communication at Canterbury University - The Sunday Star Times ran the Davis story as their front cover yesterday which gave the story a much wider audience than had it just appeared in Investigate magazine. We'll be talking to Jim tully from ... about journalistic responsibility and the media powerplay going on at the moment.
1.00 Replay of Helen Clark interview from this mornings Bfm Breakfast
1.20 Vicki Hyde - NZ Skeptics association
1.40 Garth Bray - TVNZ's sydney correspondent checks in to talk cricket.