The Real Deal: Living History
Living History
A Forward To US History Uncensored: What Your High School Textbook Didn't Tell
by Catherine Austin Fitts
Solari, Inc.

U.S. History Uncensored
See also… Real Deal: U.S. History Uncensored – Introduction
I resisted learning real history for several years. Instead I satisfied my curiosity about the past with the socially acceptable version of history that was taught in school and easily purchased at most bookstores. It seemed to me that the darker side of things was an unpleasant topic. Delving into it ran the risk of attracting the negative. I had precious little time to master the socially acceptable version. Who had time to search out information that was difficult, even dangerous to obtain and depressing if indeed you found it? Why bother looking into the gruesome details of things like narcotics trafficking, money laundering and genocide?
Then, as corruption in the financial markets and in government spread in the 1990's, circumstances forced me to rethink my traditional attitude. Suddenly, I needed to understand the darker side of life. It was a matter of both personal and professional survival.