The Monday Wire
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12:00 bNews/Weather/Surf with Amelia
12:15 Helen Clark
Replay of Mike's interview with the Prime Minister from Breakfast this morning.
12:45 Linda Broom, Oxfam's Fair Trade Coordinator
Coffee - most of us consume it daily, with barely a thought given to the controversies surrounding the pittance paid by multinational giants to the coffee growers in Africa and Latin America. But what is actually being done? Oxfam is currently leading the push to get coffee giant Starbucks to trade fair, with a world action day held on Saturday to get their message across.
1:15 Glenda Fryer, Auckland City Council
The Auckland City Council last week announced plans to ban billboard advertising from the central business district. The proposed bylaw has ruffled feathers only just settled after the stadium debacle, and promises to provide plenty of debate to fill the papers over the holiday season.
1:30 Qiujing Wong, Borderless Productions
A small press release caught my eye some time ago - it was a story about a couple of New Zealanders with a production company called Borderless Productions. The release told of Qiujing Wong and Dean Easterbrook's imminent trip to Kenya, where they would be filming footage for a documentary called "A Grandmother's Tribe". Qiujing is on the line from Nairobi.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm