Crazy Power Company Behaviour Tackled By PM

The Prime Minister pointed out at the start of her post-cabinet press conference that there were guidelines for companies like Mercury Energy to follow when dealing with cutting off their customers. Last week a Mangere woman Folole Muliaga, 44, died following her power being disconnected by a contractor employed by Mercury Energy. The PM explained that Mercury had not followed guidelines by which the State Owned Company should have sought to point the Muliaga family in the direction of social agencies prior to disconnecting the family's power.
National Party State-Owned Enterprises spokesman Gerry Brownlee pointed out in a press release earlier today that in National's opinion Labour shouldn’t be rushing regulation about power disconnection. Mr Brownlee was of the opinion that Mercury Energy should be punished for not following its own guidelines. The PM was of the belief however that regulation may be necessary to protect consumers from companies willing to skirt guidelines that were not legally binding. It was not immediately clear if there were any punishments other than public opprobrium enshrined in law for companies skirting their own guidelines to act in a 'socially responsible' way.
Listen to the full post-cabinet PM's press conference