The Wednesday Wire With Paul Deady
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*1230 – Rodney Hide, ACT Party Leader*
Sneaky Steve Maharey used the F word in parliament and the nation was shocked and outraged. Now, four of the smaller parties are doing something to peg back all that shock and outrage. ACT, the Greens, United Future and the Maori Party yesterday signed a voluntary code of parliamentary conduct. Labour and National both say it's a waste of time, but those who signed it insist the public are disgusted by MPs behaviour. Even more than usual. I'll be speaking with ACT leader, and self-proclaimed bad-boy turned good, Rodney Hide at half past 12 about why this is necessary. Or not.
*1300 – Anna Cahill, Exec. Director NZ Screen Directors Guild*
Yesterday the NZ courts handed down their first ever guilty verdict for a case of video piracy. An Auckland man could face a prison sentence for illegally copying and selling DVDs of Sione's Wedding. At one o'clock I'll be speaking to Anna Cahill, the Exec. Director NZ Screen Directors Guild, about fears that this is just the tip of the ice-berg and a threat that could strangle the NZ film industry.
*1320 – Counterclockwise*
At twenty past one, Selwyn Manning from scoop will join us to have a chat about the latest in the Ahmed Zaoui case. A date has been set for the review of his Security Status, but the proceedings will be shut off to the media, and therefore the public. Selwyn is none to happy.
*1340 – Peter Barrett, director of Victoria University's Antarctic Research Centre*
At twenty to two, Professor Peter Barrett will be joining us from Victoria University. He's the head of their Antarctic Research Centre, and is part of "The Tipping Point", a 1.8 million dollar film production in conjunction with Oxford University which is all about climate change. Been there, done that? Hopefully Peter can tell us what this one can add to the canon.
From the News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm