Open Letter to the NY Daily News re. Rudy Giuliani
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Unanswered Questions : Thinking for ourselves.
*An Open Letter to the NY Daily News re. Rudy Giuliani, 9/11 War Games & Terror Exercises and Vice-President Cheney*
Dear Ms. Katz,
In light of your recent NY Daily News article about the former mayor I thought you would be interested in this open letter I wrote in response to Hardball's Chuck Todd's absurd claim that Giuiiani 'owns 9/11'.
More importantly perhaps in light of Sec. Chertoff's 'gut feeling' about the likelihood of a terrorist attack this Summer, you and most Americans might also be interested in what is not mentioned in my letter to MSNBC below. The 9/11 Commission glossed over Giuliani's disclosures about /Tripod II/, a chem-bio-nuke attack terror exercise that the whole city (with FEMA and the US Dept of Justice) was preparing for at the time of the 9/11 attack. It was set to begin on Sept. 12.
In fact, the city's command and crisis response center was eventually set up at Pier 92 (or 93) which what was to be the command center for the suddenly canceled Tripod II exercise. Remember the response from the officer at NEADS-NORAD in Rome, NY on the morning of 9/11, "Is this real-world or exercise"? The coincidence of multiple war games (including a "live-fly" field training exercise or FTX) and other similar exercises being conducted that very morning by NORAD, NRO and other agencies raises some interesting questions that have yet to answered much less asked by our mainstream media. For starters, who was individually and ultimately responsible for all this?
Well, we have this from the /Center for Cooperative Research/: / President Bush announces that he is putting Vice President Dick Cheney in charge of overseeing a coordinated effort to address the threat posed to the United States by chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons (see May 8, 2001 ). [White House, 5/8/2001 ] /
By Presidential Order then, it appears, it is Vice-President Cheney who was at the top of the command chain not only for the planned Tripod II exercise set for Sept. 12th but also of all of the war games and terror exercises being conducted on the morning of 9/11.
And what of Giuliani's connection to all this? Well, it might be worth re-examining what happened in London on 7/7 when Visor Consultants, working for a big company in London, was conducting terrorist attack exercises at the very TUBE (subway) stations at the very same time that the subway bombs were detonated. The Managing Director of Visor Consultants, Peter Power said as much on BBC Radio on the day of the attacks. In other words in London on 7/7, an exercise went "real world" just like it did on 9/11. And Rudy who had started a terror security consulting company after 9/11 was just blocks away. Coincidence? Perhaps not. (Sorry, I have no theory and don't have enough facts or access to classified information to intelligently speculate).
If you connect all or some of these dots in a credible fashion and raise some of the natural questions that arise, you might just win a Pulitzer. Let me know if I can help. I'd be glad to do so. You might begin by looking up "Gladio" on Wikipedia , read Danielle Ganser's book on the subject or watch the BBC Series.
Kyle F. Hence Executive Producer, 9/11: Press for Truth
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