95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady 15/08/07
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
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1230 – Dr Kerry Grundy
To start the show today I'll be speaking with Dr Kerry Grundy from the Whangarei District Council. He's the chair of an inter-council group called the Working Party on Genetically Modified Organisms, and he's not a happy man. His group – made up of representatives from a number of councils – are accusing the government of shirking responsibility in the event of GE crop contamination. Basically, they say landowners and local councils will have to cover the costs of contamination should it occur, and NOT those who conducted the trials, a complete reversal of the usual polluter pays principal. But the Environment ministry says it's not that black and white – so hopefully we can clear the issue up today.
1250 – Hone Harawira
At ten to one I'll be playing an interview I did yesterday with Maori Party MP of the moment Hone Harawira. Most of the media attention surrounding his trip has unfortunately focused on the fact that he shirked his official responsibilities, so it was nice to hear from him what he actually saw and did in Alice Springs. He says it was a hugely successful publicity stunt that generated much needed media attention in Australia. Strange considering Peter Godfrey from Radio Adelaide told Mike this morning that he struggled to find any mention of his trip.
1320 – Counterclockwise
At twenty past one, the always fantastic Selwyn Manning from scoop.co.nz will be on the line for counterclockwise. Today we'll be talking about Ali Panah's ongoing hunger strike in protest of his detention without trial or charge for the past 18 months. You may have heard Kim talking with Keith Locke from the green party about this yesterday. Ali arrived here several years ago applying for refugee status, was declined, detained and readied to be deported. As a converted-Christian though, he's said his life would be in danger if he returned so will not sign papers for an Iranian passport. Well, Ali's now into day 34, is only drinking water and is very weak and exhausted.
1340 – Kevin Wasley, Elvis enthusiast
Bill and Ted may have said God gave rock and roll to us, but in 1956, it was the rock and roll gift from a young devil that had people worried. And that devil was called Elvis Presley. Tomorrow marks the 30th anniversary of his death and millions of fans are gearing up for the celebration. One of those fans is Kevin Wasley, a painter and paperhanger from Hawera who also owns one of the largest collections of Elvis memorabilia in the southern hemisphere. He'll be on the line at twenty to two to shed a tear or 6.