95bFM: The Tuesday Wire with Kim Choe
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12:00 bFM News,
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12:40 Notes from the
It's been a while since we last checked in
with Chief Censor Bill Hastings. Today, he will discuss the
controversial censoring of Hostel 2, and give us a rundown
of some of the most entertaining porn titles that have
crossed his desk in recent months.
Murder, Chocolatey Murder
Murder By Chocolate begins
its Auckland season this Friday – Kim will be joined in
studio by one of its writers Alex Ellis, who also plays
protagonist Felicia Fargo.
1:20 Made
in… ?
It's been revealed this morning that the
government has been lobbying the US' Department of
Agriculture not to introduce mandatory country of origin
labeling over there. Green MP Sue Kedgley says the
government is putting the meat industry above consumer
rights, and will join Kim to talk about the issue.
The Green Desk
Simon Miller will be talking to
Timothy Morris (of Coriolis Research) who has done extensive
research into the NZ food industry, about Industrial Food
vs. Industrial Trees. 58% of the NZ landmass is given over
to Farming/ Forestry. NZ's economy is likely to be propped
up and/or driven in the medium to long term by food and
primary industry production. That's a lot of cow farts
(methane) and cow poo and fertilizers (in the rivers etc).
Tree monocultures (effectively Pine forests) are not too hot
either, with the leeching of aluminum and nitrates into the
soil. Is there a sustainable way forward? We'll try and find