Scoop Competition: Money Conversation Tickets!
Scoop Competition: Two Tickets To The Money Conversation At Herald Theatre, Auckland
WE HAVE A WINNER ALREADY! Congratulations to Andrew Winks...
In Auckland Wednesday evening? Scoop has two tickets available for you to attend a performance of the play The Money Conversation Wednesday evening, at The Edge's Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, in Auckland.
The tickets will go to the first person to answer three questions.
First, a little about the play… Each night the normally-sane Sara Juli brings $5,000 from her bank account – in cash – to the theatre and quite simply offers it to the audience with a “Take it, it’s for you”. As the evening progresses the ante is upped - $50, $100, $300…
The Money Conversation is a 'dialogue' that Sara Juli believes will see you go home richer after witnessing this "out-of-money experience".
Unsure of the answers to the above questions? Click here for help…
Be quick! Oh, you can email your answers to Scoop by clicking here…
STAMP presents The Money Conversation Wednesday 3 October to Sunday 7 October, Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE®. Book through Ticketek – or 0800 TICKETEK. Ticket Prices: $25 to $30.