Peace Activists House Raided For Assault Rifles
Peace Activists House Raided For Assault Rifles

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have raided houses across the country arresting 14 activists
they claim are involved in running “military style
training” camps.
In a press conference conducted by Police Commissioner Howard Broad, he said they were largely concerned with training camps that are allegedly being conducted conducting “military style training”.
An early raid on an Symonds St apartment had the police arrest one person.

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Listed on the search
warrant, the items police were looking for in the Auckland
raid included a Sig Assault Rifle, Army-issue field
dressing, BB Rifle with laser sight, and camouflage paint.

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According to a list made by flatmates living in the house, police took away items that included a machete, sleeping bags, and a newspaper.

One of the flatmates of the raided Symond’s St apartment, Gary Cranston, said that six police raided the house in the morning.
He also said that while he was not involved with planning the upcoming training camp in the past they have involved teaching campaigning skills, media skills and there have definitely been no weapons.
“We are peace activists,” he said.