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Netanyahu understands this well and seems to have concluded that his only path to political survival is the continuation of the Gaza war and the expansion of the conflict to engage multiple parties.
No computer, however complex it may become in a simulacrum of sentience, will ever be able to approach the state of silence and insight, and communion with death and love that is the birthright of the human being.
In wealthier states, the climate change protester may be safer, but hardly immune from state violence. Arrests of protestors in both Australia and the UK are above the international average: 20% and 17% respectively.
Ian Powell discusses the Health Ministry’s position statement on puberty blocker prescribing in the context of an NZ Medical Journal article, guidelines based on the Hippocratic Oath and the risk of transphobic derailment.
Finance Minister Nicola Willis seems intent on portraying herself as that damsel in distress.
The unfashionable and unpopular lesson here would be to cut back on that most extremist of phenomena: the business of war and the military racket that feeds it. Don’t needlessly place personnel in conditions that will torment their being and deprive them of a moral compass. Could there be any better prevention to this than peace itself?