95bFM: The Tuesday Wire with Kim
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29th January 2008
12:00 bNews, Weather and Surf – with Mikela
12:20 Water
The Te Atiawa iwi at the top of the South Island
are seeking an urgent Waitangi Tribunal hearing into the
allocation of water rights in their area. Wellington lawyer
Kathy Ertel is representing the iwi and will speak to Kim
about why local Maori should have the right to manage water
over the local authorities.
12:40 Thanks, but
no thanks
Kim talks to anti-apartheid campaigner John
Minto about his decision to turn down a nomination from the
South African government for the Companion of O.R. Tambo
Award. In the past this has been awarded to people such as
Kofi Annan, so what are Minto's grounds for refusing the
1:00 Key-note address
bFM's News
and Editorial Director José Barbosa reports live from the
Ellerslie Novotel, where John Key is delivering his
state-of-the-nation address. His speech marks the beginning
of election-year politicking, so how many vote-grabbing
policies can he cram into one speech?
1:20 The Arts Hole
1:40 The Green
Sustainable Simon Miller talks to Finn Mackesy,
chairman of Permaculture NZ, about how permaculture has come
out of the garden and into all aspects of decision making
(planning, design, communication).