95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady

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1220 - Liam Dann, Business Editor, NZ Herald
If NZ's recent political history tells us anything, it's that if we own it – it's there for the foreign taking. Yes, we have had a long, open, anyone can buy anything history, but the government did something drastic Monday night that could change all this. They've gone and changed overseas investment rules, giving the government veto power over the sale of any asset they deem to be of strategic importance. Oh, like the Auckland airport! It's hard to deny the hast of the changes, but where do they leave us? At 1220 I'll be asking Herald Business editor Liam Dann how the business community has responded, and whether this is just brings us into line with countries like Australia and the US who have similar protections.
1240 – Murray Horton, CAFCA
Then at 1240, Murray Horton from the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa will weigh in on what he surely sees as a victory. But I'll be interested to hear whether he sees this as Labour simply trying to draw the evil free market National of yore from out of its hiding place.
1300 – Sean, and Alex, and Aaron "The Soul (W)Hole Manifesto"
That's quite enough money talk for one show I think, so in the second hour a change of tack. At one, I'll be joined in the studio by Sean, Alex and Aaron – three parts of a small team aiming to make a very ambitious doco. The Soul (W)Hole Manifesto will see 17 year-old Sean David travel to 24 countries around the world talking to teenagers from all walks of life, comparing their lives and opinions and looking to encourage free and critical thought. A main aim of production is the reduction of the global teen suicide rate. But there's so much more to it than this, and having talked to these people briefly already I'm really looking forward to having them here at bFM, so stay tuned at one.
1320 – Counterclockwise with Kevin List
Kevin List joins us from scoop's Wellington bureau at 1320 with the kind of salacious and damning political gossip we've come to know and love from him.
1340 – Book She Read
And Sally's back to finish the show at one forty with another installment of Book She Read. All the publishing news and information we can cram into 10 free-jazz minutes AND, Sally's been reading Peter Carey's new one "His Illegal Self" and will give us her take on his first novel set in the United States.