95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
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1220 – Carmen Gravatt on the Rainbow Warrior
Greenpeace were doing what they do best again yesterday, chaining themselves to anchors and blocking a coal ship in the port of Lyttleton. But if the TV coverage last night was anything to go by, that's about all there was to it – a bunch of crazies causing mischief. So it'll be nice to actually hear what they were, and are, trying to draw attention to. At 1220 I'll be speaking with Carmen Gravatt who is on the Rainbow Warrior and right in the thick of things. She'll explain how the NZ government is expanding our coal industry at the same time as harping on about reducing carbon emissions.
1240 - Houses – Shane Jones Minister of Building and Construction
At 1240 the Minister for Building and Construction Shane Jones will be on the line all the way from the far north. We'll be having talking about his plans to streamline the consent process for major housing projects, which Labour hopes might go some way to easing the whole housing affordability thing by cutting down on costs associated with red tape. But critics argue the plan will see an explosion of ugly, samey housing projects, and will do little to solve the problem of pricey homes.
1300 – Dr Barbara Maas, Care For The Wild
At one o'clock I'll be speaking with Dr Barbara Mass, currently visiting this country as the representative for an international organisation called Care For The Wild. This week, a World Economic Forum report on travel and tourism surprisingly ranked this country as the worst of 130 countries in terms of how well we protect endangered species. Barbara says this is a wake up call for NZers who take pride in our clean and green credentials.
1320 – Counterclockwise – Fiji and Pacific Forum
The very excellent Selwyn Manning from the team at scoop will be on the line at twenty past one for Counterclockwise. Today Selwyn will be looking at developments at the Pacific Foreign Ministers forum currently taking place in Auckland. Fiji and China are the hot topics, and Selwyn was there yesterday hearing from Winston Peters and his Australian foreign affairs counterpart, Stephen Smith.
1340 – Book She Read – Granta 100 and literary spat
And then at one forty Sally's back for another installment of Book She Read. Today she'll be taking a look at the latest release from Granta – the very well respected literary periodical which this month celebrates its 100th issue. Critical reaction has been pretty mixed though – only 2 out of 5 stars on amazon – so it'll be interesting to get a bfm perspective won't it? Sally will also be prying into the spat that's causing a ruccus in the local book community, and taking up precious column inches in letters to the editor at the Herald.