Public Address 16/04/08 - Timewarp with Winston
Public Address 16/04/08 - Doing the Timewarp with Winston
PA Radio: Doing the
Timewarp with Winston
Posted at 10:42AM on 16 Apr
Craig Ranapia wonders why, after 30 years, anyone is
still prepared to dance with Winston Peters ...,1050,
Labour Weekend | Apr 15, 2008 13:25
Christie - Cracker With Attitude
You'd think by now Mike
Williams would know his stuff. He's the longest serving
Labour Party President, and has been the man at the top
during the party's halcyon years. But anyone who agrees
handing out IRD pamphlets is a good way of winning votes,
man… I don't...,
Golly, where does the time go? | Apr 15, 2008
Graham Reid's many things
Okay, this may be like
the fish/barrel/gun combination but some of my journalism
students were talking about the content of 6pm television
news yesterday. I maintain crime and the weather are the
easiest things to report: after the event, camera pointed at
farmer in sodden/drought afflicted/snow-blown paddock etc --