Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: March 2008
Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: March 2008
Scoop editorial images by Lyndon Hood, for stories from March 2008. For previous images see Pics of the Weeks: February 2008.

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NZ Govt - Settlements in education a major achievement

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NZ Govt - Strategic assets to be protected in national interest

Engineering Printing and Manufacturing Union - Has National muzzled the press?

NZ Govt - Major plan for innovation in pastoral, food
Greens - NZ shamed in international tourism report

Candor Trust - Campaign Against Distracted Government Needed

United Future - Govt must condemn death sentence for blasphemy

State Services Commission - Upgraded government services website launched

Auckland International Airport - Shareholders vote to approve CPPIB partial bid

NZ Govt - Iran’s continued non-compliance causes concern

Progressive Party - Young pretender challenges aging dinosaur

NZ Govt - IRD error unacceptable, but uncertainty remains

NZ Govt - PM: Parliamentary Notice of Motion re Tibet

Greens - Minister washes his hands of Easter trading

Waikato DHB - X-Ray Film Imagery To Be Obsolete

Greater Wellington Regional Council - Exide enforcement decision

Problem Gambling Foundation - League Club distances itself from pokie harm

UMR Research Ltd - Happiness in God’s Own

New Zealand Defence Force - NZ Service Personnel Returned from Afghanistan