95bFM: The Monday Wire with Imogen Neale

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12:20 Adam Feeley chief executive of the Eden Park Redevelopment Board.
There are still a lot of questions about the park's redevelopment – will it be finished in time, is there enough money, will the new design work both during and after the world cup – Adam will join us to talk through the redevelopment at 12.20.
12:40:Local film maker Roseanne Liang
She is back at this year's Film Festival with her short film 'Take 3'.
'Take 3' is about three young actresses, an audition and Asian stereotypes. Reviewers have described it as a crowd favourite black comedy and Roseanne has already taken the film to the Berlin film festival where it achieved a special mention.
1: Natalie Medlock
Natalie and her partner Dan Musgrove co-wrote the two story play - called A Horse Story: Blinkers and Spurs – and it's about to open a short season in Auckland at the Basement.
In Blinkers, Amy the slovenly punk rock fantasist and Monty the fastidious librarian with horsey-habits come together over macaroni cheese and in Spurs, set in the American Wild West, a cowboy on the run has a life changing meeting with an Indian.
1.20: gadget guy Peter Griffin
Talking about the media and the science community and why it is the two seem so unwilling to talk to each other. Do we need more media coverage of science? Does the scientific community make itself available for comment?
1.40: Beatrix Coles
Takes a look at the latest addition of Ad Busters – the magazine that represents global network of culture jammers…