95bFM: The Thursday Wire - 24/07/08
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24 July 2008
Monday WIRE with Imogen Neale
12: News, weather and surf with Bjornar
12.20: Richard Griffin
start the show by talking to long time journalist,
ex-government chief press secretary and past senior media
advisor to PM Jim Bolger, Richard Griffin about the current
furore circling Winston Peters. No doubt you’ve heard a
lot about how much money went where and who knew what but
really truly – are these gifts that much of an aberration?
And what role is the Dominion Post and the NZ
Herald’s playing in pushing the issue? Why?
12.40: David Zussman – Monte Cecilia
Housing Trust
State housing is a popular point of political pontification and it’s certainly going to be an issue politicos chew the fat over coming into the ’08 elections. And while the parties policy statements help us decide who to vote for it, it’s hard to know what they’ll mean if actually rolled out. David Zussman is the trust executive of Monte Cecilia Housing Trust which supports low income families and provides emergency housing has some idea though. He joins us at 12.40 to chat his experiences and the housing situation as he sees it.
1: Peter Griffin go-to gadget, and now science,
From late next year old incandescent bulbs will be phased out as part of the Government’s Efficient Lighting Strategy.
Key buzz words you need to know are: cost-efficiency, energy saving and environmentally friendly. Which is lovely. But are the new bulbs really a good idea? Or is this another case of the Government having to turn back to the drawing board.
An article published in August’s issue of Investigate magazine says – amongst other things - the energy-saving light bulbs come with an associated risk of mercury poisoning.
The piece is based upon two studies that warn the mercury in a light bulb exists in vapour form and the bulbs should not be used in carpeted rooms or in areas frequented by children, infants, or pregnant women. It also tells an American tale that involves a broken bulb, a sealed room and a $2000 cleaning bill.
Peter Griffin joins us at 1 to shed some light on the subject.
1.30: Andrea Price and Ilai Amir from
Connect Media
Keeping on the green theme, Outlook for Someday is a film challenge that asks youth to explore what sustainability means to them. This the second time Connect Media have run the short film competition or challenge – the first resulted in a documentary that screened on Māori TV. This time around their screening partner is TVNZ’s channel 6 and of course the world wide web. To tell us why they’re taking sustainability to the kids, Andrea, Ilai and hopefully one of last years winners joins us at 1.30 in the studio.