95bFM: The Tuesday Wire with Kim Choe 29/7/08
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29th July 2008
12:00 bNews, Weather and Surf with Callum
12:15 Jury
The Supreme Court has been asked to consider
whether police should be allowed to access potential jurors'
criminal records, and pass that information on to
prosecutors. It is an important case that could potentially
affect every jury trial. Auckland University Associate
Professor of Law Scott Optican talks us through the
technicalities and likely consequences of the
12:30 Teaching the
An amendment to the teachers' disciplinary
code comes into force on Friday. It's a very small phrase,
yet is causing considerable concern to teachers'
associations. Teachers Council President Peter Lind will
explain the amendment, and hopefully shed some light on how
it will be enforced.
12:45 Do the
Citizen's Arrest
On Thursday last week the Auckland
University Students' Association announced they would pay
$5000 to any student who carried out a citizen's arrest on
visiting U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. But the
next day they withdrew the monetary reward - citing safety
concerns, but with the threat of the University withdrawing
their funding hanging over their heads. What does this say
about the state of student unions today? We speak with AUSA
President David Do.
1:20 The Arts
In Bronwyn Bent's latest investigation into the
wider picture that makes up what we fondly refer to as "the
arts sector", she interviews Michelle Khan - festival
director, events manager and arts organisation board member.
Michelle has a resolutely un-artistic background, having
worked in banks and other business settings until she
stumbled upon the Pasifika festival.
The Green Desk
On today's Green Desk we have another
chance to catch up with scientist and singer Gemma McGrath
and her partner in crime Jono. Gemma put together the
Music4Mauis CD. The pair recently arrived in Auckland
following a trek through the country, publicising the plight
of the threatened Maui and Hector's dolphins.