FULL COVERAGE: National Conference + Secret Recordings

Media/Politics: Gordon Campbell on the ethics of taping politicians
Pretty doggedly, the mainstream media have stuck to their guns and kept the storyline on the secret tapes fiasco firmly focused where the National Party would prefer it to be – on Who Taped It, rather than (a) what is on the tapes or (b) what such content might indicate about the mindset and agenda of the likely next government. Bear with me. I know, there is nothing more unedifying than journalists banging on about ethics. More >>
- Young Labour - Young Labour requests an apology from John Key
Audio: Nick Smith On KiwiSaver + Crosby Textor
Scoop has received audio of Nick Smith discussing KiwiSaver and how National wants to fight the election on tax. He also discusses how MPs not Crosby Textor call the shots on National policy. More >>
Politics Chatter: Lockwood Smith
Discussion Suggests Hidden Agenda
Audio + Transcript: Senior National Party MP Lockwood Smith was recorded talking to delegates at the National Party conference suggesting once in government that a 'discussion document' process will enable the party to roll out its agenda. "There's some bloody dead fish you have to swallow... to get into Government to do the kinds of things you want to do," Lockwood Smith. More >>
- National - Expect more dirty tricks - John Key
- National - Clark challenged to disavow dirty tactics
- Young Labour - Loose lips sink ships says Young Labour
- NZ Govt - Time for real explanation on secret agenda
- Progressive Party - National again changes its story on Kiwibank
- National - Helen Clark must explain polling activity
- Scoop Audio - Bill English Talks On KiwiBank Being Sold
- 95bFM - Deady & Manning – Secret Audio & Public Interest
- TV3 Video - Key accuses Young Labour members of bugging conference
- KiwiFM - KiwiFM: Wammo & John Key – A Hidden Agenda + Drinks With Mr Garner
- TV3 Video - Key: There is no secret agenda
- TV3 Video - National hit by more secret recordings
- Radio Active - Kevin List Pours Water Over Recording Rumours
- Audio - Nick Smith On KiwiSaver + Crosby Textor
- Radio Adelaide - Selwyn Manning On Secret Tapes, Recession
- TV3 Video - National may go to police over secret recordings
Conference Tape: English Misspoke
“Statements of mine secretly recorded at a social function last Friday and published over the weekend have caused confusion and concern about National’s policy on Kiwibank and Working for Families,” says National Party Finance spokesman Bill English. "I did not choose my words well." More >>
- Audio - Bill English Talks On KiwiBank Being Sold
- Out-Link - 08 Wire: Bill English transcipt
- TV3 Video - Govt puts the heat on National over Kiwibank comments
- 95bFM - Joe & Bill English On Nat Policy & KiwiBank
- TV3 Video - Nats in damage control over secret tape
- NZ Govt - Is it Kiwi bank? Is it Working for Families?
- SOLO - Keep Talking to Strangers, Mr. English!
- Scoop Full Coverage - Full Coverage: National's Vision For New Zealand
Elections & Politics: National
Infrastructure Plan Vital To NZ's Growth
20-year National Infrastructure Plan and a Minister of
Infrastructure will be used by a National-led government to
help set a clear direction for this vital area of
investment, says National Party Leader John Key. More
- National - John Key Speech To Annual National Conference
- National - National will give funds to victims of crime
- National - National Party President Judy Kirk Speech
- NZ Govt - National proposes privatisation of prisons
- NZ Govt - National's plan to axe advisory bodies arrogant
- NZ Govt - English reaches for red herring to justify red ink
- NZ Govt - Key willing to gamble with future to get elected
- NZ Govt - John Key must explain secret agenda
- Greens - Lonely dinosaur seeks white elephant
- Democrats for Social Credit - John Key's money market mates will prosper
- Audio - Bill English Talks On KiwiBank Being Sold
- KiwiFM - Wallace & Selwyn Manning Analyse Nat's PPP Policy
- TV3 Video - National starts conference with carrot
- TV3 Video - Key hands out plenty of promises but few details
- TV3 Video - National still holding back on policy detail
Gordon Campbell: National's Economic
Vision For NZ
If someone said they were planning to raid their children's piggy banks in order to pay the rent - mainly because they just couldn't resist the impulse to spend the rent money down at the TAB - we wouldn't be applauding them, and we certainly wouldn't be lining up to let them run the country. Yet in stark essentials, such is the economic vision for New Zealand over the next decade unveiled by Bill English and John Key at the National Party conference More >>
- National - John Key Speech To Annual National Conference
- Scoop Full Coverage - Full Coverage: National's Vision For New Zealand
- 95bFM - Havo & Helen Clark's Week Of Politics
- KiwiFM - Wammo & Helen Clark's Political Week
- Scoop Audio - Audio: Bill English On KiwiBank Sale
- 95bFM - Joe & Bill English On Nat Policy & KiwiBank
- TV3 Video - PM describes Nats' plans as 'nuts'