The August Surprise has arrived at last!
The August Surprise has arrived at last!
night’s telly was just a little too much for my old brain
to cope with. Flicking between ABC’s Movie of the Week and
Russia Today on the MHz Channel, I was easily confused as to
what I was watching. Death raining down from the skies,
people running through fields, finding shelter in
underground bunkers, cradling children in their arms. Was it
unedited footage of events in South Ossetia or War of the
RT coverage included comments from Russian authorities angry that the President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, had given his press conference with both the Georgian and European Union flag in the background. Those comments weren’t shown on any network news bulletin I watched, despite the U.S. encouragement of Georgia’s push to join the European Union (and NATO) being the nub of the matter.
George What-me-worry?
Bush, meanwhile was flitting around in Beijing. Not being up
on so-called traditions in women’s volleyball, I’m
hard-pressed to toe the AP line about his fun encounter with
members of the U.S. women’s beach volleyball
Then May-Treanor turned her back to the
president, offering her bikinied rear for one of the
traditional slaps that volleyball players frequently give
each other.
"Mr. President, want to?"
she asked, repeating an offer she made when Bush gave a pep
talk to the U.S. athletes before Friday's opening
Bush smilingly gave a flick
with the back of his hand to the small of her back
The incident was shown on network TV news as well, with the same commentary, but I could have sworn she was just asking the president for a kiss. Photo is here.
::Speaking of
Here are some interesting comments from a
website called British Army Rumour Service, on its forum
called War in
There is always the possibility that State and the Russian
foreign ministry have dug out the old Cold War manual and
gone through it together...
1. Present resolution you know
will be vetoed.
2. When veto used, turn to Allies and say
'look, we have tried to do something, but it didn't work,
and we're not going to war over this'
3. Other side turns
to population and says 'look how strong we are, we have
defied the US
4. Behind scenes negotiations - US informs
ally to stop taking the urine because US will be really,
really annoyed if this leads to the need for raising DEFCON
to alarming level (see Kissinger/Israel post Yom
5. USS...sorry, Russia makes conciliatory
6. US makes proposals (already cleared via back
channels) that are acceptable to Russians
7. Solution
8. Russians happy since they have been treated as
equals, US happy since able to demonstrate diplomatic
9. Georgians unhappy, but no-one really cares
since they're a small nation who must learn their
can't justify the use of those cynicism tags Archimedes.
Very Happy You forgot to mention 4b. Tell other ally to stop
taking the urine selling top line defence kit to minor
nation , which is winding up superpower you are trying to
negotiate with.
Because any behind the scenes settlement with Russia, will include a clause "Lean on Israel to pack it in FFS"
[tinfoil on]
10. Sacrifice Georgian
aspirations for the greater prize, Russian co-operation over
Iran [/tinfoil off]
::U.S. media blacks out Olympic
Opening Coverage::
It’s somewhat ironic that the
U.S. media is constantly carping about how Chinese
state-owned television blacks out world news, because here I
was in the U.S. totally unable to watch the opening
ceremonies of the Olympic Games because of a media black
It so happens that I live in an area that doesn’t get NBC’s television signals, and NBC bought exclusive rights to Olympics coverage. All that the other channels were able to carry was Getty still images. Well, that’s capitalism for you! Except... NBC gets the airwaves free of charge in exchange for providing free over-the-air signals to the entire country. So what right have they to tell the 11 percent of people who don’t have cable television to go to hell? Seemingly, NBC won’t front up the pittance it would cost them to use the same repeater station in San Francisco that beams all the other networks over to the East Bay.
::The Ugly New Zealander::
Oh, please! Who
is that dickhead at the NZ Herald writing a blog about the
Olympics? I’ve never read such offensive, racist, sexist
crap in my life! And who’s the idiot who didn’t give the
people going to the flag bearer party a freakin’ map to
show to the taxi driver? Come on, Kiwis. Lift your
::Another August Surprise on the
Reports in Aviation Week have it that NASA
officials went to the White House just before the President
left on his Asian trip. It’s dollars to donuts they
weren’t searching for intelligent life, but sources have
it that they reported to him about findings made by the Mars
lander. Not water... everyone knew that was there. Something
else. Which will be revealed, the report says, some time
late in August or early September.
::Windy Welly takes
a Live Leak::
Kiwi Adrian Schofield is senior air
transport editor for Aviation Week, and he’s posted a link
on his blog to this footage of a plane being blown away from
the gate at Wellington Airport. Ahhh.... Windy Welly, you
gotta luv it! I’ve never worried about flying in or out of
there since the time a pilot told me that it has such a
reputation for skirlish crosswinds that you’re guaranteed
the flight crew isn’t asleep at the wheel. Or whatever
that thingie is called.