The Wednesday Wire With Paul Deady 03/09/08
The Wednesday Wire With Paul Deady 03/09/08
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1215 – Peter Jenner
I'm very lucky to begin the show today by having a chat with Peter Jenner. He's the secretary-general of the International Music Managers' Forum, and is out here as part of the NZ branch's September summit. Peter is a legendary figure in the business, having worked with such luminaries as Pink Floyd, The Clash, T Rex, Billy Bragg and Ian Dury. He also organised the first concerts in London's Hyde Park, culminating in The Rolling Stones 1969 performance there.
He's also keenly interested in the current state of the music biz, and says the current big business record-label model is bleeding money into marketing and A&R. THIS OLD DEAL DOES NOT WORK he says, and reckons there needs to be a shift from selling a product to selling a service, and from mass marketing to niche marketing.
A man with many a story to tell, I'm really looking forward to this one.
1240 – Ngai Tahu, ETS Concerns – Chair Mark Solomon
Then at 1240 I'll be speaking with (above). They put in a last minute treaty claim, but a rather unconventional one. See, they're worried the government's ETS will wipe millions of dollars off the value of land they obtained in a 1998 settlement. What's more, Mark says at the time of negotiations, the government MUST have been aware of the effect the ETS would have on the value of the land, and thus did not negotiate in good faith. The government says they will conduct an independent review to look into these claims, but say Ngai Tahu will be compensated for the deforestation tax with free allocation units.
1300 – Sarah Palin with Carl Shepro
At one I'll be joined by (above), all the way from the University of Alaska in Anchorage where he is a professor of Politics. The nomination of Sarah Palin as VP candidate on the Republican ticket has sent the news media into an absolute storm, and not a very pretty one at that. So I thought it'd be good to hear from someone who is close to, and familiar with her Political history, which it seems is somewhat shallow. Sure, many Alaskans are happy that their state might get a little attention, but how well has she served their interests as Governor?
1330 – Counterclockwise
And rounding out the show today, Selwyn Manning from scoop will join us for counterclockwise at half past one. He'll be delving deep into the political drama of the week, all Winston and SFO's, and maybe taking a look at how the turmoil has placed the unassuming Maori Party, which could help National Party meet the threshold to form a government. Indeed, Hone Harawira earlier this week of the Labour led government "They're suffering from the arrogance of being in power too long. At the moment they're a coalition corpse. They're gone, and anybody who is associated too closely with them is likely to be gone as well".