95bFM: Thursday Wire with Imogen Neale 11/09/08

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1200 - news, weather and surf
1220 – What the poll? Gavin
You know the phone call - "it's so and so
representing so and so. We're conducting a poll. Can I ask
you a few questions?" But what happens next is a bit a of a
mystery. How do your answers, perhaps given in front of the
tv, making dinner, or when an argument is on pause, get
turned into data? Who interprets it? How do they break it
into front page chunks?
Gavin Ellis, ex-editor in chief of NZ Herald, takes us into the world of polling so we may read all the election polls that will soon be hurled at us with a wiser eye.
1300 – Science go-to guy Peter Griffin
How do you feel this morning? Are your neutrons all running in time? Did the collider mess with your internal mechanics? Mr Griffin will materialise in the studio to talk about the switching on of the 25km collider.
Once he's assembled himself he'll also be talking leaked documents and iPod nanos.
1320 – he back and he's gay, well on stage anyway, it's Blair Strang
I say
Blair Strang - you say Rangi on Shortland Street and once
was Katrina Devine's husband.
Then? Then there was
But now he's back - not on TV but to the stage
in a Massive Company performance Whero's new net.
that going to down with his clients? What? You didn't know
he was lawyer?
Strang's in at 1.20 to talk theatre and
walking in and out of the spotlight.
1340 – Paper cuts with Pennie
It's another magazine. No! It's ANOTHER magazine! Could there be any better magazine? Could there one that charges more for their advertising? How can a magazine claim world domination like this? I mean, it's just fashion... right?