Daily Voting News For September 11, 2008
Friday, 12 September 2008, 6:58 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For September 11, 2008
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
In early reporting of the Washington DC primary one
Sequoia memory cartridge reported what appeared to be
thousands of write-in votes that officials say did not
exist. Of course, these inaccurate results created chaos at
the elections headquarters.
Just after an election
officials use ‘turnout’ as a yard-stick of success. If
turnout is low they tend to make negative comments about the
voters as do other officials. If turnout is not high the
voters are blamed for just not caring enough. However, in
the months leading-up to a national election some election
officials do all they can to keep voters from going to the
polls. In today’s DVN there are articles on voter
suppression from Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan...
National: 2008 Season of Voting Meltdowns
Begins LINK National: A
farewell to chads
Ballots and voting machines are
getting better, but still have a fair way to go LINK National: A
Campaign For US Electronic Election Integrity LINK
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading
Arizona: Pima
County - Former candidate unhappy with election delays LINK Florida: State
implements tougher voter ID rule LINK Florida: Collier
County - County conducts post-certification audit LINK Hawaii: A matter
of trust
Questions and answers about Hawai`i's e-voting
system LINK Kansas: Johnson
County - Welcome to "Speed Voting" LINK Michigan: Lose
your house, lose your vote LINK Mississippi:
Editorial - Mississippi’s Ballot Trick LINK New York: Few
votes for new machines at polls
Devices that ease access
for those with disabilities saw little use Tuesday LINK New York:
Rensselaer County - Low demand for new voting machines LINK Ohio: Hamilton
County - Ballot snafu endangers votes LINK Rhode Island:
Technical glitch in Cumberland primary results LINK Washington DC:
D.C. Election Glitch Blamed On Equipment
No Change in
Outcome Despite Phantom Votes LINK Washington DC:
D.C. Election 'Glitch' Blamed on Sequoia Voting Machine
Failure LINK Wisconsin: Van
Hollen sues state accountability board over registration
checks LINK Wisconsin: Wis.
Attorney General Wants Some Voter Names Cross Referenced
During Election LINK Wisconsin:
Accountability Board Replies To Attorney General’s Lawsuit
LINK Wisconsin:
Wisconsin AG sues election officials LINK Wisconsin: The
Rundown: Lawsuit filed on voter checks LINK Wisconsin: Group
asks for Van Hollen to step aside in case LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Co-Executive Director
"To encourage
citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22,
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