Daily Voting News For September 25, 2008
Friday, 26 September 2008, 12:12 am
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For September 25,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
Why is it that some election officials in swing-states
have decided to discourage voting by college students? The
answer seems obvious; they know how a majority of them will
vote and they don’t want that. According to our
“Featured” article one Colorado county election official
sent information to one Colorado College and asked that it
be promulgated to all students. The information falsely
claimed that students from outside the state could not
register to vote if their parents claimed them as a
dependent on their tax returns. When faced with the truth
the official tried to claim that his office had
misinterpreted state law and “mistakenly published
information that was incorrect.” This same misinformation
drive has also taken place in Virginia and South Carolina,
amongst others....
National: Election officials telling college students they
can't vote LINK National: Some
voters aren't waiting until election day to cast ballots
Some states have begun early balloting, and the
presidential campaigns are using it to their advantage by
encouraging the process in an effort to win votes before
Nov. 4. LINK
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading
Election officials target younger poll workers LINK National: Voting
Concerns Persist as Election Nears LINK National: Open
source could fix e-voting flaws, California secretary of
state says
Proprietary software hides flaws from public,
Bowen says LINK National: Voting
in America: Let the Pre-Game Mess Begin! LINK National: As
Homes Are Lost, Fears That Votes Will Be, Too LINK National: Doh!
Voting Machine Attacks Homer! LINK National: My
Vote, My Right Voter Protection Action Across the Nation LINK National: Make
sure this election is not stolen LINK National: How
About Bailing Out The Election System? LINK National:
Officials say voting system will be stressed in November LINK National: EmTech
08: Audits, Open Source Needed With E-voting LINK Arkansas: Benton
County - Election official: Make sure you are eligible to
vote LINK Arkansas: Benton
County - Preparing for the election : Election Commission on
track for November’s vote LINK Colorado: Fraud
in the forecast
Colorado watchdogs expect corrupt Nov. 4
election LINK Colorado: El
Paso County - Issues of oversight
John Gardner returned
to the county clerk's office with baggage. Now, additional
questions about his honesty arise LINK Florida: State
election officials, swamped by surge of registrations, seek
local supervisors' help LINK Florida:
Republicans, ACORN feud over suspicious voter cards LINK Florida:
Applications Mount In Florida Voter Registration Crush LINK Florida:
Provisional ballots draw scrutiny LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County - Voter groups to hover over PB County on Nov.
4 LINK Georgia: Fayette
County - Fayette’s early voters turning out in droves LINK Hawaii: Behind
the Scenes of the Primaries LINK Hawaii: Hawaii
voters breezed through primary with few ballot errors
Even with concerns over new design, just 257 were
invalidated LINK Mississippi:
Lincoln County - Election work moving ahead despite ballot
delay LINK Mississippi:
Madison County - Record numbers predicted in election LINK New York:
Disabled Voters Demand Better Access To User-Friendly Polls
LINK Ohio: ACLU Asks
Court To Allow All Ohio Registered Voters Access To Absentee
Ballots LINK Pennsylvania:
Pa. counties expecting more voters, order more machines LINK Pennsylvania:
Allegheny County - Call for election volunteers LINK Pennsylvania:
York County - Party's colors OK at polls
The county
board of elections said voters can wear political T-shirts
and buttons when they vote. LINK Rhode Island:
Alves files election appeal LINK Washington:
Exclusive: Washington SoS Candidate Unveils Mac-style 'Paper
Ballot v. Touch-Screen' Ad Campaign LINK Wisconsin: Voter
check ruling weeks away
Chance of resolution to Dane
County case before November election is dim LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Co-Executive Director
"To encourage
citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22,
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