Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: June 2008
Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: June 2008
Scoop editorial images by Lyndon Hood, for stories from June 2008. For previous images see Pics of the Weeks: May 2008.

National - Criminal Procedure Bill

National Fieldays - Rural skills on show at Fieldays

Ministry of Fisheries - Stiff sentence passed in fish dumping case

Newmarket Business Association - Pending election adds to retailers' worries

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NZ Drug Foundation - Drug Foundation welcomes PM to alcohol debate

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Lyndon Hood - The Adventures Of Tom Tagger

National - Immigration: No checks on newcomers

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Gordon Campbell - Election 08: Labour’s problems with the young

NZ Govt - National promises sinking lid education funding

Ministry of Economic Development - Bridgecorp Ltd and Directors Prosecuted

Global Peace And Justice Auckland - Pepper-sprayed protester seeking $50k's court day

Gordon Campbell - Election 08: What A National Government May Entail - Part Two

NZ Govt - Workplace collaboration to lift productivity

Companies Office - Companies Register Hits 500,000

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Lyndon Hood - Anti-Smacking Amendment Vindicated By Police Trial

NZ Govt - Key needs to be honest on New Zealand’s history

NZ Govt - Legislation to safeguard ocean ecosystems

Electoral Commission - NZ First, display of banners in Tauranga

Statistics New Zealand - Tourism expenditure passes $20 billion

Greens - Working week set for major changes