Lyndon Hood: News Missed During The Peters Saga
News You May Have Missed During The Winston Peters Saga
Satire by Lyndon Hood
It has come to my attention that other things were happening while Winston Peters' various donations were dominating the news.
I know, I was as surprised as anyone.
Anyway, after some research I present my reconstruction of these non-Peters-related events:
Gordon Copeland
looked forward to the TV election
Fonterra looked forward to the China
free trade agreement coming into force.
learning from National the lesson of attacking your
political opponent where you are weak, Helen Clark
decided to campaign on "trust".
An angry nation
demanded a definitive answer as to whether we did well in
the Olympics or not.
Caroline and Georgina
Evers-Swindell declined nomination for ACT's wildcard #5
list slot, as they were quite busy with the rowing and are
also technically more than one person.
But surely, if ever there was a party for people who already have gold, but are mortally determined to get more, ACT is it.
Emissions Trading Bill passed into law. Unfortunately
nobody was paying attention and so this failed to save the
John Key was slated for his clumsy
handling of "is-a-very-rich-person" allegations.
Another candidate failed to take up ACT's #5 list
slot: the same dark rituals that reanimated Roger Douglas'
political career fail to create a zombie Milton
Friedman. One flaw in an otherwise splendid
I expect there were some disasters and
stuff in the world somewhere. The New Zealand media
probably wouldn't have paid much attention anyway, so don't
The last-minute rush of Treaty of Waitangi
Claims was probably needed, considering the rate Cullen
seemed to be settling them.
The Mongrel Mob and Black Power also made claims and, really, who's going to stop them?
The National Party, apparently
cautious about being held to the implied promises in their
billboards, decided to make them as inconspicuous and
indecipherable as possible.
The Labour Party
launched billboards that suggest they think Helen Clark is
their biggest asset.
Under urgency, Parliament
officially adopted Robert Mugabe as easy shorthand
for accusing you opponent of imposing a totalitarian reign
of terror, large-scale violent evictions, general starvation
and the arrest, beating or murder of political opponents.
Or just of doing something that makes you grumpy.
But without those unpleasant holocaust-y overtones you get with Adolf Hitler.
The National Party announced its
whitebait policy.
A National government will intoduce a programme of significant tax cuts, reform the RMA and investigate other whitebait-friendly policies.
Not like Labour, who have had nine long year to solve this problem and have done nothing.
Cullen consoled himself over upcoming tax cuts by
playing with his train set. Chugga chugga chugaa.
Curious George was rejected for the ACT
#5 list slot, despite having the experience to step in as
the monkey who hangs out with a man in who dresses in
ACT officals reportedly considered the candidate "too fictional".
"Now some people in this Parliament
don't like rich people. Some people think they shouldn't be
allowed to have political opinions or use their money to
support their opinions. But guess what?" says Rodney Hide,
building to a climax, "It's their money! Some people
might not like that - some people might want to tell them
how to spend it, or make them get a piece of paper, some
sort of permission slip before they allowed to spend it. I'm
sure Robert Mugabe would like that too. But they've
earned their money and what they do with it is
none of the Government's business!"
Despite this ringing endorsement, Winston Peters is not endorsed for ACT's #5 slot.
Apparently there's going to be some
kind of election.
Oh, and one in New
Got feedback? Leave a comment on Lyndon's blog.