Daily Voting News For October 7, 2008
Wednesday, 8 October 2008, 1:05 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For October 7,
Guest Blogged by John
Gideon of VotersUnite.orgSeveral
days ago, in this space, we recommended that voters who have
the ability to vote “straight party” do not exercise
that right. Yes, it is easier because all you have to do is
mark one box on the ballot for the top-of-the-ticket votes
are all taken care of for you. However, consider this. In
North Carolina (and South Carolina also) the “straight
party” vote does NOT include President. According to the
first “Featured” article [below] ballots in North
Carolina have the following words: “A Straight Party vote
is a vote for all candidates of that party in partisan
offices. Individual partisan office selections are not
necessary if you select a Straight Party below.” What the
ballot doesn’t tell you is that this does not include
President. How many thousand of voters will vote
straight-party but not for President in North and South
In our second “Featured” article we learn
another good reason not to vote straight party. New Mexico
is one of the states that allows straight party voting,
including the presidential race. However, if the ballots are
not properly programmed and a thorough pre-election testing
is accomplished there is no telling what may be the result
of voting straight party. Voters should not take a chance
that the county has tested thoroughly. Voters should not
take a chance that their machine may not even register
straight party votes for their party while it does for the
other party. Don’t trust them. Forego the “straight
party” selection and pick each candidate individually.
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The straight party states are: North Carolina, South
Carolina, New Mexico, Utah, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama,
Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana,
West Virginia, and Rhode Island. ...
Featured - NC: Straight-ticket omits
presidential race LINKFeatured - NM:
Santa Fe County - Officials find, fix glitch in NM voting
machine LINKNational:
Election 2008: Election Law (and How They Break It) LINKNational:
Hack-a-vote: Students at Rice learn how vulnerable
electronic voting really is LINKNational: Fears
over US electronic voting machine fraud As the Presidential
election nears, Texan students learn how to rig votes LINKNational:
Democratic Election Protection Strategy's Missing Link:
Electronic Vote Counts LINKNational:
E-voting issues stir in advance of November elections LINKNational: Voter
Rolls Grow As States Help Poor People Register LINKArizona: Tucson -
Disabled vet claims city kept him from voting LINKCalifornia: I
Just Prevented Thousands of Californians from Having to
Vote on Provisional Ballots! LINKCalifornia: Don't
foreclose the vote LINKCalifornia: San
Francisco County - S.F. turnout on election day to be huge
LINKColorado: Is
Colorado the next Florida? Watchdogs worry huge turn-out and
a new untested voter database could spell disaster on
Election Day LINKConnecticut: New
machines offer voters advantages, challenges LINKFlorida:
Hillsborough County - Hillsborough elections supervisor's
mass mailing criticized LINKIowa: Carroll
County - County approves contract for new voting machines
LINKIndiana: Lake
County - Judge orders opening of early voting sites despite
hearing LINKMichigan: Clerks'
offices swamped with voters-to-be Registration deadline was
Monday LINKMontana: Montana
Registration Challenges Are Error-Prone LINKMontana: Suit
filed to stop vote challenges LINKMontana: Dems
challenge claim that 6,000 Montanans aren’t eligible to
vote LINKMontana: GOP
registration challenge frustrates voters, officials LINKNew Jersey:
Report on voting machines at issue Analyst wants results
released to public LINKNew Mexico:
Bernalillo County - New voters' ballots could be thrown out
LINKOhio: Window came
as surprise to Ohio GOP LINKOhio: Ohio GOP
sues over voter ID discrepancies LINKOhio: Come To
Ohio! What We Can Learn From 2004 - And What We Can Do In
2008 LINKOhio: Licking
County - Some enjoy convenience of early balloting; others
see disadvantages LINKOhio: Putnam
County - Ohio county fires election director LINKPennsylvania:
Bucks County - Bucks awaits voting figures, machine count
Bucks County - Voting deadline draws last-minute
registrations LINKSouth Carolina:
Beaufort County - Voting machine snafu hits county LINKSouth Carolina:
Beaufort County - Ballot machines for early voting down
again today LINKTennessee:
Officials: It's too late to change ballot U.S. District
Court in Nashville to hear Kurita's case Friday LINKUtah: Salt Lake
County needs more poll workers and voting machines LINKVirginia:
Virginians meet registration deadline in droves LINKWashington:
Outdated, Arcane Laws Disenfranchising Voters in Seattle LINKWisconsin: Legal
Center Opposes Voter Roll Purges in Wisconsin Lawsuit LINK **"Daily
Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports
each day concerning issues related to election and voting
news around the country regardless of quality or political
slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may
not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
-- John
Gideon Co-Executive Director VotersUnite.Org
"To encourage citizen ownership of
transparent, participatory democracy." The Creekside
Declaration March 22,
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