Daily Voting News For October 12, 2008
Monday, 13 October 2008, 2:36 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For October 12,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
officials across the country are beginning to make the same
statements they make before every election. In order to try
to give the voters some confidence they are talking about
how they are ready. The voting machines are programmed and
tested and all set and this year they will have another
successful election. Of course on Nov. 4, just 23 days from
today, we will hear the same reports of voter
disenfranchisement, long lines at the polls causing voters
to give up and not vote, vote flipping on touch-screen
machines, and all of the other negative reports and many
will come from the very same jurisdictions that are now
talking about being ready.
In a year when turn-out
is predicted to be much higher than every before county
election officials should be looking to add polling sites
yet in Fairfield Co Ohio the county has decided to delete
25 polling sites. This will cause voters to have to travel a
further distance to vote and will increase the length of the
lines. The county claims they are being forced into this
decision by recent rulings from the Secretary of State,
Jennifer Brunner. If that is correct then Brunner needs to
reconsider her rulings. If the county is just trying to
make it more difficult for voters to vote then Brunner needs
to re-direct the county. Either way Brunner needs to take
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National: College voters
facing obstacles Some mistakenly told they may lose
financial aid if they registered using address at school LINKNational: Voter
Hot Line Upgraded for Election LINKNational:
Princeton prof: Your votes could disappear without leaving
paper trail LINKNational:
Editorial - Two sides of vote fraud LINKNational: GOP
Attacks on American Voters Turn Desperate, Ugly and
Dangerous LINKFlorida: Many
convicted felons remain on voter rolls, according to Sun
Sentinel investigation Thousands who should be ineligible
are registered to vote LINKFlorida: Not
every paper ballot counted LINKFlorida:
Editorial - The really big show LINKIllinois: Kane
County - Vote early to avoid election day wait LINKIllinois: Peoria
- 'I really hated what happened to Sam Polk' Early period
hopes to ease problems problems [sic]voters run into LINKIllinois:
Tazewell County - Officials show confidence in equipment LINKIndiana: Making
every vote count, as many times as necessary LINKIndiana: Lake,
Porter officials hope to avoid pitfalls from spring primary
LINKMaryland: Harford
County - High interest suggests Nov. voting might reach 90%
Record numbers are registering in county as deadline nears
LINKMichigan: Do
allegations of massive voter purge hold water? LINKMinnesota:
Ritchie: Primary recount shows voting system works LINKMississippi:
Lowndes, state election officials focus on ways to improve
voting process LINKMontana: State,
local elections officials work to avoid '06 repeat New
security plans, new equipment, more people should help make
it smooth LINKNew Jersey: So
many new NJ voters, so little time to log them LINKNew Jersey:
Mercer County - Mercer registering voters at record pace:
210K-plus LINKNew Mexico:
Opinion - Even Jimmy Carter supports Voter ID LINKNew Mexico:
Cibola County - AG: No crime in missing-ballots case LINKNew York: Cayuga
County - Voters scramble to get registered LINKNew York:
Rensselaer County - 'Osama' error sparks probe County
lawmakers to investigate how Barack Obama's name was
misprinted on ballots LINKOhio: Butler
County - What do you need to know before you vote? Find your
polling place and decide which kind of ballot you want LINKOhio: Cuyahoga
County - Cuyahoga election officials downplay odds of vote
fraud 50 of 65,000 registration cards have irregularities.
Members of both parties say safeguards are in place LINKOhio: Fairfield
County - Board of Elections eliminates polling sites
Decision to reduce number of locations comes as officials
try to comply with state directives LINKOklahoma: No
doubt cast on voting machines ElectionOfficials say scanners
should hold up fine in large turnout LINKPennsylvania:
Point/Counterpiont: Political apparel at polling places LINKPennsylvania:
Montgomery County - Montco official says county prepared
for voter turnout LINKRhode Island: Man
vs. machine at R.I. ballot box Courts revisit hand-count ban
Sullivan County - Voting process features mix of new and
old technologies LINKWashington:
Pierce County - You chose it – now you’ll use ranked
voting in Pierce County Ranked choice what? Get ready for a
new voting system for Pierce County offices, starting with
this election. LINK **"Daily
Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports
each day concerning issues related to election and voting
news around the country regardless of quality or political
slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may
not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
-- John
Gideon Co-Executive Director VotersUnite.Org
"To encourage citizen ownership of
transparent, participatory democracy." The Creekside
Declaration March 22,
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