Daily Voting News For October 22, 2008
Thursday, 23 October 2008, 2:32 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For October 22,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
13 days until Election Day.
Today we have more vote
switching reports from Tennessee. There are also reports
that the “Ballot-On-Demand” printer may be the root of
the problems in some Florida counties. It seems that if the
blank paper is not put into the printer just exactly right
the printer prints the ballot skewed and the OSX tabulator
will not read that ballot.
Voters on Hilton Head Island
South Carolina were surprised when they reviewed their ES&S
iVotronic ballots to find that some races were not shown on
the review screen at all. They voted those races but nothing
was shown on the review screen. South Carolina seems to have
a real problem with doing any pre-election testing to ensure
the ballot programming works the way it is supposed to work
and when you have ES&S as a vendor that testing is even more
69 voters in Sarasota Co Florida received
their absentee ballots only to find that the State Senate
District 23 race was left off. Supervisor of Elections Kathy
Dent, whose name appears 8 times on sample ballots, knew
about this problem 11 days ago and claims she told members
of the elections board about it but they deny knowing any
National: Voter
Registration Databases and Purges -- Part I LINK
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading
National: Early
voting suggests 2008 may see record turnout, expert says LINK National:
Personal About Politics: Voter Fraud - Where and By Whom? LINK National: Block
The Vote LINK National:
Editorial - National standard for counting dead votes needed
LINK National: Long
Lines, Machine Failures Greet Early Voters, CNN Reporter, in
Florida LINK National: Early
voting starts in 31 states; e-voting snag in W.Va. fixed LINK National: Early
Voting Sees Reports of Voter Intimidation, Machine
Malfunctions LINK National: Voting
Machines Must be Nationalized LINK National: Voting
Rights Watch: Report underscores Election Day will be a
major test for the U.S. voting system LINK National: Green
Party Becomes First Political Party to Endorse Election
Integrity Pledge LINK National: New
Voting Systems Could Cause Problems in Swing States
Analysts are concerned about some of the new systems
being implemented in key states LINK National:
Election officials try to ease long voting lines LINK Colorado:
Perlmutter wants election monitor in Arapahoe County LINK Colorado: Dems'
ballot requests surge in Colorado LINK Florida:
Election Supervisors Association Attorney Advises Okay to
Take Voter ID at the Polls LINK Florida: Scanner
Snafu Prompts Machines Removal LINK Florida:
Editorial - Ballot machines a problem LINK Florida: Is the
Legislature to blame for long early voting lines?
A 2005
bill passed by Florida legislators that caps the number of
hours polls are open each day may be partly responsible for
South Florida's long early voting lines this week. LINK Florida: Broward
County - Privacy Schmivacy
Tell the world how you vote!
LINK Florida: Duval
County - Lines, Voting Problems Continue On 2nd Day LINK Florida: Duval
County - Jacksonville's black voters skeptical about ballot
LINK Florida: Duval
County officials locate polling problems
Human and
mechanical errors are blamed for early voting woes. LINK Florida: Flagler
County - Problems force Flagler to switch to old voting
machines LINK Florida: Leon
County - Problems at the polls slow vote casting LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County - Yes, Abramson is the winner LINK Florida: Another
Sarasota County Election Blunder LINK Georgia:
Democrats fight Karen Handel to stay on ballot LINK Georgia: Cobb
County - Voting lines get longer in metro Atlanta
polling places to open next week LINK Hawaii: Voting
System Needs Changing LINK Illinois: DuPage
Democrats urge election attorney's ouster LINK Kansas: Election
Office ‘under control’ LINK Kentucky:
Whitley citizens express voting concerns LINK Maryland: High
Turnout = More Voting Machines LINK Michigan: State
to appeal fed order in voter file purge case LINK Missouri: St.
Louis County sees record number of registered voters LINK New Mexico:
Being served?
Advocates question election-night process
LINK Nevada: Nev. GOP
complains of voter registration policy LINK New York:
Onondaga County facing lever machine shortage LINK Ohio: Ohio GOP
halts voter registration challenges, seeks to negotiate
Attorney general to meet with party lawyers
today LINK Ohio: Press
Release - Voting Rights Groups Warn Prosecutors About
Investigating Ohio Voters LINK Ohio: Top Ohio
court throws out voter registration claim LINK Ohio: Licking
County - Big vote means beefed-up security, extra machines
LINK Ohio: Licking
County - Election board preparing for Nov. 4 turnout
Greeters needed to help voters; transportation arranged
for machines LINK Pennsylvania:
Voting controversies revisited LINK Pennsylvania: PA
Voting Officials Expect Increase in Military, Overseas
Ballots LINK Pennsylvania:
Allegheny County - Voting machine audit falls short, group
says LINK South Carolina:
Beaufort County - Machine ballots omit candidates' names LINK South Carolina:
Beaufort County - ES&S Touch-Screens in SC Omit Candidates,
Races on Final Voter Review Screen LINK Tennessee: Votes
Reportedly Flipping from Repub to Dem in TN!
So NOW Can
We Impound These Machines, Take Them Out of Service and Give
Every Voter a PAPER BALLOT, Please?! LINK Tennessee:
Decatur County - Machine Problems Frustrate Early Voters LINK Tennessee: Knox
County - Voting machine issue confusing to some LINK Tennessee: Early
voting strong in Shelby County LINK Texas: Texas:
Straight Party Voting Leads To Lost Votes LINK Texas: Midland
County Voter Mystery LINK Utah: Washington
Co. vote underway LINK Virginia: State
investigates complaint regarding absentee ballots LINK Virginia:
Fairfax County - Massive E-Mail Campaign Freezes Absentee
Ballots LINK West Virginia:
Editorial - Guard Against Voting Problems LINK West Virginia:
WV voters say machines are switching Dem votes to GOP LINK West Virginia:
E-voting machines good to go, Ireland says
irregularities have been reported in Putnam, Jackson LINK West Virginia:
Voters allege e-voting machines switching votes LINK West Virginia:
Ohio County – Editorial - Ensure Voting Machines Work LINK West Virginia:
Putnam County - Putnam offers exit survey for early voters
LINK West Virginia:
Putnam commissioner worried about early-voting problems LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
************* John
Co-Executive Director
"To encourage citizen ownership
of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside
Declaration March 22,
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