Daily Voting News For October 28, 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008, 11:17 am
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For October 28,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
days until Election Day.
The NAACP and Advancement
Project have sued the VA Governor and the state’s top
election officials for failing to provide enough resources
to accommodate expected record turnout next week. The suit
claims the state is in violation of the US and state
constitutions and that a failure to fairly distribute voting
machines, poll workers and polling places will result in
long-lines in some neighborhoods. The suit asks the state
to move voting machines to precincts most like to have long
lines; keep polls open longer and to use paper ballots in
some cases.
Also this morning is the revelation that
some Georgia polling places have had lines with as long as 8
hours waiting time due to their voter registration data base
being slow. The state claims that the problem is the turnout
but that explanation does not make sense in the real world.
The number of poll site computers feeding into the central
data base computer dictates how fast that system is; not the
number of voters. On election day there will be many, many
more poll site computers all feeding into the central
computer at the same time. Things will probably get much,
much slower and lines will grow longer....
Featured - VA: NAACP Sues Officials Over
Vote Preparations High-Minority Areas Affected, Group Says
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Featured - GA:
COUNTDOWN 2008: Computer woes slow Georgians at polls LINKNational: Cutting
Through E-Voting Debate Semantics LINKNational:
Interview: Brad Friedman On The Epic Fail Of 2008 LINKNational:
Provisional Ballots Get Uneven Treatment LINKNational:
Election Unspun Oct 28 - Vote Switching At Voting Machines
E-Voting Complaints Heat Up With Early Voting LINKNational:
UCSB’s Giovanni Vigna Gives Timely Talk on Why Electronic
Voting Is Frighteningly Insecure LINKNational: Update
on voting rights cases LINKNational: The
Vote Grab: Voter purge could swing result to McCain LINKNational:
Thirteen Election Integrity Experts: E-Voting Problems and
How to Stop Them LINKNational: Is a
“Voting Rights Disaster” in the Offing? LINKNational:
Battleground: One Week Out…. LINKCalifornia:
Alameda County - Touch-Screen Ballots Help Disabled
Citizens Vote LINKCalifornia:
Solano County - Demand for early ballots cannot be met LINKColorado: Federal
judge will hear voter purge case Wednesday LINKColorado: Latest
developments on Colorado voting issues LINKColorado:
Colorado election snafu roundup: Clerks resort to robocalls
to fix bad registrations LINKColorado: Tipping
the Scales -- Up to 10,000 Registrations Deemed Incomplete
in Colorado LINKFlorida: 12,165
now on Florida's 'no match' vote list LINKFlorida: Broward
County - Early Voting Hours Change, Polls Open Later LINKFlorida: Concerns
mount about accuracy of Palm Beach County's ballot counting
machines LINKGeorgia: Court:
‘Flagged’ citizens may vote LINKIndiana: Lake
County - A divided Lake elections board extends clock on
early voting LINKNorth Carolina:
Watch out for a separation between the straight-party vote
and the presidential vote on your ballots! LINKNorth Carolina:
Guilford County - Democrats May Seek More Voting Time LINKNorth Carolina:
Rockingham County - 79 Rockingham voters given provisional
ballots LINKNew Hampshire:
Election officials, political operatives wonder about
impact of the end of straight-ticket voting LINKNew Jersey:
Princeton Warning on E-Voting Machine Hack Shows Human
Touch Can Be a Good Thing LINKNew Jersey:
Corzine says state is ready for Election Day crowds LINKNew York: New
York City – Editorial - Voting and the City LINKOhio: One more
week to go Whoever wins Ohio may have to wait LINKTexas: El Paso
County - Problems with Voting Machines LINKUtah: Summit
County residents show up at polls only to find they've
already voted LINKVirginia: Group
sues Kaine, Va. election officials on behalf of NAACP LINKVirginia:
Lawsuit: Some Va. precincts lack sufficient voting machines
LINKVirginia: A
Voting Rights Disaster? LINKWest Virginia:
Voting machines being checked LINKWest Virginia:
Ireland: Testing OKs touch screen voting machines LINKWest Virginia:
Touch-screen machines vetted Ireland invites voters
experiencing problems to call her office LINKWest Virginia:
Opinion - Jason Williams - Voting machines overseen LINKWest Virginia:
Voting machines remain a concern LINKWest Virginia:
ES&S VP Given 'Award of Merit' By WV SoS LINKGermany: Court to
Examine Security of Electronic Voting LINK **"Daily
Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports
each day concerning issues related to election and voting
news around the country regardless of quality or political
slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may
not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
-- John Gideon
Director VotersUnite.Org
encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration, March 22,
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