'Daily Voting News' For November 26, 2008
Thursday, 27 November 2008, 4:12 pm
Column: John Gideon
'Daily Voting News' For November 26,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.orgThe
“Daily Voting News” staff [all one of us] is going to
take tomorrow off to enjoy family and friends. We will be
back on Friday. We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving
and have an opportunity to enjoy family and friends.
three judge panel of the 6th US Court of Appeals in Ohio has
ruled unanimously that a lawsuit filed by the League of
Women Voters in the aftermath of the 2004 general election
can continue in US District Court. One judge said this about
disenfranchising acts by some election officials, “"If
true, these allegations could establish that Ohio's voting
system deprives its citizens of the right to vote or
severely burdens the exercise of that right, depending on
where they live”....
Voter Registration Should Be Automatic LINK Arizona: Opinion
- It's time to look at the way we vote in Arizona LINK Colorado: More
than 300 purged voters cast provisional ballots on Election
Day. LINK Colorado:
Boulder County - New election audit targets close races
County is the first to used a 'risk-limiting' audit LINK
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Conejos County - Conejos voting machines pass tests LINK Georgia: CP
calls out Georgia on write-in irregularities LINK Georgia: Cobb
County - Georgia Judicial Candidate Normarene Merritt Files
Election Challenge LINK Minnesota:
Franken camp finds 6,400 uncounted absentee ballots LINK Minnesota:
Election judge in one county, Franken observer in another LINK Minnesota:
Senate recount: Lost, found, challenged LINK Minnesota: The
Battle for Minnesota Is Just Getting Started LINK Minnesota:
Washington County - Recount finds a 13-ballot difference in
Oak Park Heights; Franken camp raises concern LINK New Hampshire:
District 4 recount uphold's election results, but exposes
problems LINK Ohio: Lawsuit
over '04 Ohio election advances LINK Ohio: Butler
County - Elections officials: Double voting likely an error
LINK Ohio: Cuyahoga
County Board of Elections puts aside 13,000 ballots LINK Ohio: State
court to decide ballot fight
Appeals panel: Franklin
County case not federal issue LINK Ohio: House Race
Update: Ohio Sup. Ct. to Rule on Franklin County Votes LINK Ohio: Hamilton
County - Provisional ballots a boost for Dems LINK Ohio: Marion
County - Board’s official count included 78 more votes LINK Pennsylvania:
Bradford County - County looks into voting machine bugs LINK Texas: Dallas
County - Texas House race still in limbo after ruling LINK Texas: Dallas
County - Judge: Court doesn't have jurisdiction in recount
LINK Texas: Dallas
County - Judge says he doesn't have jurisdiction in Texas
House District 105 recount LINK Texas: Dallas
County - Richardson election judge files complaint, says
voters registered improperly LINK Virginia:
Taxpayers to pay for 5th District recount process LINK Virginia:
Opinion – Pittsylvania County - Voting issue did not
affect treasurer's election LINK Washington:
E-Vote: Washington State First to Receive Clean Help America
Vote Act Audit LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Co-Executive Director
"To encourage
citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22,
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