95bFM: The Monday Wire with Joe Nunweek - 12/1/09
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12.20: Geoff Keey, Political Advisor, Greenpeace
Solid Energy have attracted the ire of environmentalists once again with documents obtained under the Official Information Act showing they helped bankroll a large NZIER study into the Emissions Trading Scheme - which came away damning a number of the Scheme's elements with faint praise. Geoff Keey of Greenpeace thinks something smells rotten about an SOE behaving this way - and explains that we've actually seen it before.
12.40: Professor John Hattie, Education Researcher, Auckland University
The Sunday Star-Times ran breathlessly with the Times Educational Supplement's description of his work as a "Holy Grail!" - but John Hattie's work didn't just appear overnight like a front-page headline might suggest. He talks more about the years of cumulative research going into his recent book, how the ideas are already in NZ's pedagogical discourse, and addresses some of the criticisms its received.
1.20: Professor Peter Tymms, Education Researcher, Durham University UK
The talk about education has become quite a flurry since Anne Tolley rolled out the beginnings of a new testing system in December. While John Hattie is adopting a 'wait and see' approach to what the National government will produce, Peter Tymms has had plenty of experience with the controversial and increasingly unpopular standardised testing the UK has offered in the past decade or so - our indepth look at education reforms continues with a comparative look here.
1.40: Jean-Pierre de Raad, Chief Executive, NZIER
Greenpeace and other groups aren't just annoyed by Solid Energy - they feel that the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research should have been more candid about where money for their major ETS study had come from. Defending the Insititute's impartiality and practices is its Chief Executive, Jean-Pierre de Raad.