95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady 11/03/09

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1230 – Steve Bishop - Eel Fisherman
At 1230 I’ll be speaking to Steve Bishop, an eel fisherman on Lake Ellesmere in Canterbury. He represents commercial eelers there who’ve refused to pay an 8% of their income as a conservation tax to local iwi Ngai Tahu. Steve says the tax has no legitimacy under the 1998 Treaty Settlement which granted Ngai Tahu stewardship over the lake. Ngai Tahu want the money to go towards a lake restoration fund, which they would also contribute towards. Their spokespeople say the tax was signalled as far back as 2004 and is justified under the Treaty Settlement. Rodney Hide’s waded in, calling the tax insidious, bullying and intimidatory, and Ngai Tahu’s own former negotiatior Rick Tau says the tax is completely against the spirit of the original settlement. So, an uphill battle for Ngai Tahu, but where does this leave the eelers, right now?
1300 – Paul Buchanan
At one I’ll be joined by regular Wire contributor, and expert on all things geopolitical Paul Buchanan. Today we’ll be talking about 2 pretty major policy shifts from the White House signalled this week. First, Obama’s move to talk with moderate Taleban elements (is that an oxymoron?) in an effort to get Afghanistan under control. A number of op-eds have doomed this to fail before it’s even started, and the cards certainly are stacked against Obama. And second, his attempts to warm US/Cuban relations by relaxing some of the sanctions towards the land of cigars, mojitos and Castros. Paul told me that he was involved in an attempt to open up to Cuba in the 1990s so is familiar with some of the people now doing so again.
1320 – Counterclockwise
Alistair Thompson from the mighty scoop team joins me for counterclockwise at the usual time of one twenty today. He will be FRESH from PM Key’s press conference on the much-talked-about 9 day fortnight, and will give us the skinniest of skinny
1340 – Darryn Harkness – Nosferatu/New Telepathics
And at one forty, (above) will be joining me in the studio to chat about his upcoming appearances at the AK09 festival – under 2 different guises. One, with his band the New Telepathics, and the other, creating a soundcape for the silent vampire classic Nosferatu. Time Out London called the work “melodic, discordant, moody and intense”. I love all those things!