Scoop Audio: PM's Post-Cabinet Presser 16/03/09
Scoop Audio: PM's Post-Cabinet Presser 16/03/09 - Highways!

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Since he was having a press conference today anyway, Prime Minister John Key got his Transport minister Steven Joyce along to explain that highways are the way of the future, and to announce Government plans for the funding Auckland's rail electrification.
Mr Key also announced a new chair for the Commerce Commission and the results of the Paul Neazor's inquiry into MP Keith Locke's SIS file. This recommended that active files should not be kept on sitting MPs and, as the Minister responsible, Mr Key expects to politely ask the SIS to adopt that recommendation.
Other topics included the ACC Minister's behaviour at the select committee meeting and the technicalities of his sacking of the board chair, extra money for MPs in big electorates, SOE boards and "performance" and the possible publicity downsides of taking up the 9-day fortnight.

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