95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
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The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher 2/04/09Runsheet
At 12:15 I’ll be interviewing
John Scott the General Manager of Dun and Bradstreet about a
study they released yesterday about changing consumer
priorities as New Zealand feels the grip of the global
economic downturn. According to the study, mortgage payments
are getting sidelined as the public struggle to pay for food
and household expenses. He’ll give us the skinny on study
and I’ll ask him the problems facing New Zealanders which
the investigation points to.
Then at 12:30 I’m joined on the line by Brian Leyland an electricity expert about Energy and Resources Minister Gerry Brownlee announcing a review of the electricity sector. I’ll ask Leyland to give us a rundown on the current state of the electricity sector, about the prices we pay in New Zealand for electricity and the review itself.
At 1:30,
I’m joined by Peter Griffin from the Science Media Centre
for Tech Talk, our weekly look on the wire at Science
Technology and the Internet. Today Peter will examine carbon
capture and storage, as well as a new bundle deal from
Vodafone and Dell which he thinks is the way that internet
and telecommunications will go in the future.
Then coming up at 1:45 Pennie Blair is back in the house
for Paper Cuts. Paper Cuts, as many of you will know is a
weekly feature on the Thursday Wire where Pennie reviews
magazines. Today, it’s fluro mag, the publication that
describes itself as a counterculture magazine. Word on the
street is that Pennie likes this one a lot, so stay tuned
for that, coming up on the tail end of the show.