'Daily Voting News' for June 01, 2009
Tuesday, 2 June 2009, 2:44 pm
Column: www.votersunite.org
'Daily Voting News' for June 01,
Guest blogged by
Ellen Theisen,
Dave Klein, and
WashburnThe news from Georgia is confusing: News
articles tell us that the U.S. Justice Department has struck
down both the Georgia's voter registration database
verification rules and its newly passed voter ID law. Our
reading of the DoJ letter and the response from the
Secretary of State is that it only affects the voter
registration database verification process, but it's hard to
tell. Read the DoJ letter and Handel's statement for
yourself. The first paragraph references letters we were
unable to find. If you find a link to them, please send the
link to dvn-tips@votersunite.org. All of our featured
articles are about this topic....
Featured: U.S. Justice Department rejects
Georgia voter screening LINKFeatured: Feds
spike Ga. law requiring citizenship checks LINKFeatured: Obama
Justice Department Decision Will Allow Non-Citizens to
Register to Vote in Georgia (Secretary of State Handel's
Statement) LINK
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Featured: DoJ
Letter to Georgia LINKFeatured: Why
Section 5 Still Matters, Or, The Obama DOJ Differs from the
Bush DOJ LINKNational: US
issues revised e-voting standards LINKNational: 120-Day
Public Comment Period for VVSG 1.1 Begins Today LINKNational: EAC
Will Award Grants to Recruit the Next Generation of Poll ...
Lincoln resident thought he was a US citizen: Now he has to
prove it LINKColorado: IRV
leaves bitter aftertaste LINKConnecticut: CT
State Representative Sean Williams Cites Election Journal in
Debate on Election Day Registration (3-minute video) LINKFlorida: New Clay
Co. voting machine makes debut LINKMinnesota: Points
of Law: Coleman-Franken U.S. Senate election goes before ...
Minnesota Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument on Coleman
Appeal LINKNew Jersey: Bill
passed to make voting by mail easier in NJ LINKPennsylvania:
Career lawyers overruled on voting case. Black Panthers had
wielded weapons, blocked polls LINKPennsylvania:
Exclusive: Politics, Philly Style LINK Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen,
Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein,
Washburn, Editor
************* Daily Voting News was founded on February 6,
2004 by John Gideon (1947-2009). To assist with Daily Voting
News, please send links to news articles to dvn-tips. To
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encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration. March 22,
**Articles and commentary included in "Daily
Voting News" do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the
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