95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
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On the show today:
12:30: Dr Bev O’Keefe Chairwoman of the Independent Practitioners Association Council joins me on the Wire to discuss the possibility of doctors’ fees going up by 6.5 percent. I’ll ask Bev where this particular figure has come from, whether it’s fair and if we will in fact see fee rises coming into effect around the country.
12:45: Alistair Thompson Co-editor of Scoop.co.nz comes on the show to shed some light on that sly dog of an MP Richard Worth who has resigned from his post as Internal Affairs Minister allegedly due to complaints of his inappropriate behaviour towards women.
1:00: I’ve got Dr Nikki Blair from the Capital Coast district Health Board on the phone following a presentation she made with the Paediatrician Society on the apparently dire state of child health and welfare in New Zealand. I’ll try to find out if things are as bad as she claims, and what she believes the government and health sector needs to do to reverse this situation
115: I’ll go over any interesting correspondence that I’ve been sent in regards to things on the show. I heartily encourage everyone to get involved and contact me.
1:30: It’s time for Dear Science; you weekly look on the Thursday Wire at science and technology with Peter Griffin from the Science Media Centre. Peter, normally on the phone from Wellington, is up in the studio today to go over claims swine flu originated in New Zealand, Google’s effort to track the spread of swine flu, and what was in last weeks budget (or rather what wasn’t in the budget) for research and development.
145: As per usual Pennie Blair will be in the studio for Paper Cuts – a weekly feature of the Thursday Wire where Pennie reviews magazines and other such publications. Today she is going over a fashion mag called “Love”. And from what I here, the copy she has with her has a rather scantly clad, in fact nude, photo of Gossip front lady Beth Ditto. Stay tuned for that.