'Daily Voting News' for June 16, 2009
Thursday, 18 June 2009, 11:48 am
Column: www.votersunite.org
'Daily Voting News' for June 16,
Guest blogged by Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and
WashburnYesterday's deluge of articles about
Iran turned into an avalanche today. To focus strictly on
election-integrity related articles, we cut out many
excellent articles about the political ramifications of this
historic event....
National: Russian
Roulette...Without the Certainty LINKFlorida:
Candidate left off ballot wants campaign costs repaid LINKFlorida: Judicial
candidate seeks $65,000 in sanctions against elections
supervisor LINK
Archived at: LINKKansas: Effort to
recall KC mayor appears over because of legal fees LINKNorth Carolina:
Black election glitch shows the pitfalls of split precincts
Jim ... LINK
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New York: New
York's New Plan for Deploying Optical Scanners Is Dependent
on Historically Undependable Vendors and Proper Functioning
of Their Historically Defective Equipment LINKOhio: Proposed
election changes could save county money LINKIran: The speed
of Iran's presidential vote count and lack of detailed data
fuel fraud suspicions LINKIran: Recount in
Iran? LINKIran: Four
Scenarios for the Vote Recount LINKIran: Iran's
Lesson: Even in a Tainted Election, Voting Still Matters LINKIran: Note on the
presidential election in Iran, June 2009 LINK
(Statistical analysis by
Walter R. Mebane, Jr.)Iran: Twitter Postpones
Maintenance as Iran Furor Builds LINK ************* Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen,
Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein,
Washburn, Editor
Daily Voting News was founded on
February 6, 2004 by John Gideon (1947-2009). To assist with
Daily Voting News, please send links to news articles to dvn-tips. To
donate, click here
encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration. March 22,
**Articles and commentary included in "Daily
Voting News" do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the
editors of Daily Voting News, VotersUnite.Org, or Scoop. Articles are
selected for inclusion to inform subscribers' ability to
draw their own conclusions based on noteworthy and credible
news, research, legislation, and debate bearing on the
integrity of
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