'Daily Voting News' for June 20-22, 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009, 1:13 pm
Column: www.votersunite.org
'Daily Voting News' for June 20-22,
Guest blogged by Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and
WashburnThe Supreme Court handed down its
decision regarding Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.
Iran’s Guardian Council admits that over 50 cities had a
turnout greater than 100% and denies voting
National: Court
Sidesteps Major Ruling Over Voting Rights Act LINKNational: Supreme
Court Keeps Voting Rights Act Largely Intact LINKNational:
Justices Let Stand a Central Provision of Voting Rights Act
LINKNational: The
Supreme Court Breakfast Table LINK
Narrowly Avoiding a
Constitutional RevolutionNational: Act remains
constitutional, for now LINKNational:
Modernizing the vote LINK
About the Brennan Center
report on voter registration.
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading
National: Will 4th
time be the charm for Holt's bill? LINKNational: Let
Criminals Vote LINKNational: How to
Trust Electronic Voting LINKNational: Courts
to rule on fate of Georgia’s ‘badge of racism’ LINKCalifornia: Will
downtown go after IRV? LINKHawaii: Elections
Office weighs closing dozens of precincts LINKIllinois: RI
recount offers tough lessons LINKMassachusetts:
Library vote will be re-counted LINKMinnesota: Your
State Could Be Minnesota LINK
The Disputed Senate Race
Highlights Problems With The Way States Count Absentee
BallotsNew York: Counties prepare to e-vote LINKOklahoma: Edmond
updates voting machine LINKTexas: Charge of
conflicts in voter registrar's office not 'frivolous' LINKWisconsin: Did
Kriegl vote for Unit A? He says no, machine says yes LINKWisconsin: State
Reps pushing bill to restore voting rights to felons LINKWest Virginia: WV
Vote Flipping Caught on Tape LINKTennessee: A new
hero enters Tennessee’s history books LINKIran: Iran
election: Guardian Council admits vote was flawed LINKIran: Iran media:
Council rejects claims of voting irregularities LINKIran: Iranian
Rally Is Dispersed as Voting Errors Are Admitted LINKIran: Worst.
Damage Control. Ever. LINKIran: Guardian
Council: Over 100% voted in 50 cities LINKIran: Preliminary
Analysis of the Voting Figures in Iran’s 2009 Presidential
Election LINK
(Turnout over 100%
recorded in two provinces.)India: Mangalore:
Canara High Students elect Leaders through ‘e-voting’ LINKMexico:
Disgruntled Mexicans Consider Spoiling Their Ballots as a
Protest LINK Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen,
Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein,
Washburn, Editor
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encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration. March 22,
**Articles and commentary included in "Daily
Voting News" do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the
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selected for inclusion to inform subscribers' ability to
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