95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
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On the show today:
At 12:15 I’ve got Bernard Hickey, the managing director of Interest.co.nz on the show to discuss Allan Bollard’s decision to keep the Official Cash rate stable at 2.5%. We’ll try to find out what this means, and if it is an indicator that New Zealand’s economy might be improving.
At 12:30 I’m joined by John Gray, the President of the Home Owners and Buyers Association and today we’ll be going over the Building Act (No.2) that was passed by Parliament last night which aims at speeding up the building consent process. Is this a good idea, is it riddled with problems? We’ll see what Mr Gray thinks.
Then at 12:55 Peter Griffin from the Science Media Centre joins me on the line to for Dear Science, your weekly look at science and technology on the Thursday Wire. Today, we’ll talk about Yahoo and Microsoft getting into bed together as well as TelstraClear’s plan to upgrade all its customers to 100Mbit connections, ignoring the Government's $1.5 billion broadband plan.
Following Peter, at 1:15 I’ll be speaking to Sir Geoffrey Palmer (the head of the Law Commission) who are releasing a report at midday today surrounding New Zealand’s Liquor laws. I’ll ask Sir Palmer what issues were considered, and what the Law Commission is recommending to the government.
Finally at 1:35, I’ll read out your texts and emails. I might take a few calls on air as well, so if you’ve got something you’d like to talk to me about, call up then.
I’m afraid there is no Papercuts this week, Pennie is sick. She was planning to review Playboy magazine today which I’m sure many of you were excited about. However, you’ll have to hold off for next week. Hopefully, you can keep yourself contained.