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The biggest threat to peace is war; not Russia, not China, not Germany, not the United States of America, not Iran, not the hapless United Kingdom. Wars are a problem, not a solution. The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science.
The idea that Israel is brutalizing Palestinians simply because the Arabs are too weak to challenge the Benjamin Netanyahu government—or any government—implies that, in theory, Arab regimes could unite around Palestine. However, this view oversimplifies the matter.
By claiming the “anti-woke” ground as his own, Peters has stolen an early march on his rivals and thereby probably ensured New Zealand First’s re-election. Peters has always understood better than most that politics is about the acquisition and retention of power. The “war on woke” is simply his latest means to achieve that end.
Israel has reverted to slaughtering civilians, starving children and welshing on the terms of the peace deal.
We'll become increasingly plasticised, with no further need for FitBits, laptops, or cell phones, as we’ll all have neurochips implanted in our brains that literarily ‘hook’ us up to the virtual reality of the Metaverse of AI, thanks to the ‘genius’ of Elon Musk. At which point we’ll all melt.
It’s self-evident that social media couldn’t maximize and manipulate “the worst passions” unless they were already present within us. Which is to say, unless they were a core aspect of human nature. What social media has done, and what AI will do on steroids if we continue on our present course, is accentuate and exacerbate the worst in human nature.
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