95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
95bFM: The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher
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On the show today:
1215: I've got the Mayor of the Wairarapa District Council Adrienne Staples on the show voicing her concerns that budget cuts to police will be detrimental to those in her community. However, with assurances from John Key and Police Minister Judith Collins, one must ask and question whether Mrs. Staples fears are justified. And that's exactly what I'll be doing.
1300: I've got the Director of Auckland University Press Sam Elworthy on the phone to discuss the issues surrounding a new scheme by Google Books which will include excerpts of published works online for the world to view. The New Zealand Society of Authors claims that the scheme breaches copyright and that authors should opt out. However, Mr Elworthy says that it is not that simple and claims that if an author opts out they will lose control over how Google publishes their writing online.
1315: I'll go over your feedback and correspondence, so if you've got anything to say then please get in touch. You can give the studio a call on 3093879, text on 5395, or email studio@95bfm.com.
1330: It's time for Dear Science with Peter Griffin from
the Science Media Centre, your weekly look on the Thursday
Wire at science, technology and the Internet. Today Peter
will go over the MacDiarmid science awards and the winners
John Watt and Amy Whitehouse.
Finally up at 1340: It's
time for Papercuts with Pennie Blair. This week Pennie will
be reviewing ABOVE, and she's informed me that this magazine
may be the holy grail of magazine, earning it 5 out of 5